You have collected evidence or have found traces that indicate a possible crime? You are not sure how to continue and want to have the traces secured and evaluated in order to avoid false accusations against an employee or business partner?

Our IT Forensic Experts can help analyze and evaluate the risks such a trace may have.

The objectives of a forensic analysis could be:

  • What did really happen?
  • How did it happen?
  •  What are the sources of the crime?
  • Is there a timeline of events?
  • Which systems and persons are involved?
  • What can be done to prevent future events of this type?


  • Analysis and evaluation of digital traces
  • Scanning through data and images with forensic techology
  • Identification of anomalies that lead to unusual activities that are part of a crime
  • Examination und interpretation of system and user related traces
  • Standard Analysis:
    • Operating System Forensic Analysis
    • last opened and used files
    • attached devices
    • file system forensic analysis
    • Analyzing Websites, data entry of web forms and other activities (Browser forensics)
    • Examination of log files (Log file forensics)
    • Forensic Examination of databases
    • Extraction and searching for evidence in online plattforms (Cloud forensics)
    • Research of possible configurations
    • Reconstrction of historical time lines and testing time stamps (including Meta data)
    • Examination of contents of deleted areas (Carving) and files
  • complex forensic work at a particular deep level, e.g.:
    • Checking differences in a variety of different Backups, i.e. data deleted by suspects
    • Identification of communication activity and relationships between multiple parties (e-Mail, Chat, SMS, virtuel friends, what’sapp, byLock, eagle, telegraph, signal, etc.):
    • Internet forensics, Chat forensics, social media Forensics , Mail forensics
    • Analysis of encripted data and files
    • Examination of time stamps, hash key, time lines which are claimed to have been falsified
    • Analysis of manipulated documentse-Mails, etc.
    • Extraction and examination of data from cell phones, smartphone und navigation systems with GPS data (Mobile device forensics)
    • Analysis of digital traces inside RAM and Pagefiles (fluent memory forensics)
    • Research into Malware attacks
  • Providing individual technical Reports on forensic examinations
  • IT Forensics expert analysis of traces in regards to case relevant data, timelines and other objects that lead to better understanding technical complexities that govern a crime.